Sunday, January 22, 2012

Network Technologies for MBA and MCA students

Topic: - Network Technologies for MBA and MCA students.

Q1. What is network?
·       A network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computer (stand alone computer) that is connected with wires or without wires.
·       Two computers are said to be interconnected if they are capable of exchanging information.

Q2. What are the different components of network?
a)    Nodes: - It refers to the computer that is attached to a network and is seeking to share resources of the network.
b)   Server: - A computer that facilitated the sharing of data, software and hardware resources on the network is termed as server. Server handled the request of client.
c)    Client: - Client is the computer that sends the request to the server.
d)   Network Interface Card (NIC):- A network interface card is an interpreter that helps to establish communication between client and server.

Q4. What are the different types of network?
a)    LAN (Local area network):- In local area network, computers connects with each other in small area i.e. within a same building with a wires.
b)   MAN (Metropolitican area network):- In the metropolitican area network, computers in different cites are connected with each other e.g. Companies branches are connected with each other and with main Head office. 
c)    WAN (Wide area network):- In the wide area network, computers in different cites or countries are connected with each other.

Q5. What is the difference between Intranet and internet?
·       Intranet is a LAN that uses the same technologies as the internet (e.g. Web Servers, Java, and HTML) but it is open to only those inside the organization.
·       Internet is the network of network- set of separate and distinct network.

Q6. Explain the OSI reference model?
·       The open system interconnection model establishes the set of world wide communication standard. There are seven different layers in it:-
a)    Application layers: - It support application of users and enables them to connect to network.
b)   Presentation layers: - The work of this layer is format the data for presentation to the user. This layer is interface between user and application.
c)    Session layer: - It allows user on different machine to establish session between them.
d)   Transport layer: - The basic function of this layer is to accept data from session layer and split it into smaller units and passes it to network layer.
e)    Network layer: - It is concerned with the controlling the operation of subnet.
f)     Data Link Layer: - The main task of Data link layer is to take row transmission and transform it into a line that appears free of undetected transmission error to network layer.
g)    Physical layer: - It is concerned with transmitting bits over a communicational channel.

Q7. What is World Wide Web?
·       World Wide Web made the internet popular to people.
·       The World Wide Web application is implemented using client/server architecture.

Q8 what is files transfer protocol?
·       Files transfer protocol (FTP) is the protocol from which we are able to transfer the files between one computer to another which is connected with wires or without wires.

Q9. Define client server architecture?
·       The computer that provides the services to another computer is called server.
·       The computer that uses those services of server is called client.
·       In the client server architecture client sends the request to the server and server gives the response to the client.

Keywords:- Network, Components of Network, LAN, MAN, WAN, FTP, Client-server architecture, World wide web, Information system, Management Information system.

Operation Support System / Operation Management

Topic: - Operation Support System / Operation Management.

Q1. Define Operation support system?
·        It process business transaction.
·        It controls industrial process.
·        It support enterprise communication and collaboration,
·        It update corporate database.

Q2. What are the different main systems comes in Operation support system?
·        Basically the three main system support operation support system.
a)     Transaction processing system.
b)    Process control system.
c)     Enterprise collaboration system.

Q3. Define the transaction processing system?
·        Process data resulting from business transaction.
·        E.g. Process sales purchase and inventory changes to update database.
·        Produce customer statements, employee paychecks sale receipt, tax forms and financial statements.

Q4. Define the Process control system?
·        Physical production processors are automatically made by computer.
·        Computer monitors a chemical process, capture process data detected by sensors and instant adjustment to appropriate refinery processes.

Q5. Define the Enterprise collaboration system?
·        It helps the people to work together in an organization.
·        It helps to communicate ideas, share resources and co-ordinate workgroups.

Q6. Define Execution information system?
·        It provides the information to top executives.
·        Sources are letters, memo, reports, and meetings.
·        Graphics displays are used frequently in this.
·        Immediate access to internal and external database is provided.
·        Execution information system provides information about the current status and projected trends.

Q7. Define the Expert system?
·        The most application of the artificial intelligence is the development of expert system.
·        It is also known as knowledge based information system.
·        It uses the knowledge about a specific area to act as an expert consultant to users.
·        It now helps in diagnosis illness, search for minerals, analyze compounds, and recommended repairs.

Q8. Define the Knowledge management system?
·        Some companies encourage employee to share what they know.
·        These are known as knowledge creating company or learning organization.
·        In Knowledge management system, it helps employees create, organize and share important business knowledge whenever and where ever is needed.
·        The example of Knowledge management system is Knowledge processing outsourcing (KPO).

Q9. Explain Robotics?
·        It is the technology of building and using machine (ROBOTS) with computer controlled human like physical capabilities.
·        E.g. Movement, Vision.
·        ROBOTS are used as worker to increase productivity and cut costs.

Keywords:- Operation support system, Operation Management, transaction processing system, Process control system, Enterprise collaboration system, Expert system, Knowledge management system, Robotics.

Virtual Organization

Topic: - Virtual Organization.

Q1. Define Virtual organization?
·       Virtual organization is also known as virtual corporation or virtual memory.
·       Virtual memory is the most important used in Information technology.
·       An organization that uses it to link people, Assets and ideas.

Q2. What is the feature of successful Virtual organization?
·       Adaptability of changing business environment.
·       Opportunism- ability to exploit opportunities.
·       Excellence.
·       Technology.
·       Borderless.
·       Trust based.

Q3. Why people form a virtual company?
·       Share infrastructure and risk.
·       Link core competencies.
·       Increase facilities and market coverage.
·       Gain access to new market and share market.
·       Migrate from selling products to selling solutions.

Q4. Define knowledge management system?
·       Knowledge management system is build to manage organizational learning.
·       The goal of knowledge management system is to help knowledge workers where-ever it is needed in an organization.
·       It includes processes, Procedures, Reference, works, formulas, forecasts etc.
·       Key technologies: - Intranet, Internet, Groupware, Discussion forums, video-conferencing.
·       It facilitates organization learning and knowledge creation.
·       It is also known as adaptive learning system.
·       Knowledge management system create cycle of organizational learning called learning loops where the creation, dissemination and applications of knowledge products an adaptive learning process with in a company.

Q5. Define Discussion forums?
·       It encourages and manages discussion by members of a project team.
·       Team members can ask for and make comments, post message, brainstorm, review documents, vote and make decision online.

Q6. Define Information Resource Management?
·       Information Resource Management is an Information system management concept that organizes the management and mission of the Information system function into 5 dimensions:-
1)   Strategic management.
2)   Operational management.
3)   Resource management.
4)   Technology management.
5)   Distributed management.

Q7. Define the different dimensions of Global information technology management?
·       Major dimensions of Global IT management are:-
1)   Business/ Information technologies strategies.
2)   Application Port folios.
3)   Technology platforms.
4)   Data management.
5)   Systems Development.

Q8. Define Global Company?
·       A global company is a business that is driven by a global strategy, which enables it to plan and treat all of its activities in the context of a whole world i.e. global system and therefore serve its ‘Local’ and global customer with excellence.

Q9. Define System development strategies?
·       Transform application used by home office into global operations.
·       Setting up a multinational development team with key people from several subsidiaries to ensure that the system meets the need of local sites and headquarters.
·       Parts of the system are assigned to different subsidiaries and home office to develop at same time (Parallel Development).
·       An entire system may be assigned for development to a particular subsidiary based on their expertise (Center of Excellence).

Q10. Define basic steps towards becoming a global company?
·       Global mind set: - Train the employees.
·       Local: - Be a complete local company in every country.
·       One system: - Operate the company as one networked integrated system.
·       Human Resources: - Make full use of superior local brains & talent in every place.
·       Information and knowledge based: - Create a Information and knowledge based organization so that organization can be fast, flexible, Innovative.

Keywords:- Virtual Organization, virtual company, knowledge management system, Discussion forums, Information Resource Management, Global information management, Information system, Management Information system.

Types of Information system

Topic: - Types of Information system.

Q1 Different types of Information System?
a)     Transaction 0Processing System (TPS):-
Ø Process data resulting from business transaction
E.g.: - Process sales, purchases and inventory changes to update database.
Ø Produce customer’s statements, employee paychecks, sale receipt, tax forms, and financial statements.
b)    Decision Support System (DSS):-
Ø DSS provides solution to the unstructured Problem using technique & models.
Ø DSS is a specialize Management Information System designed to support an executive’s skill at all stages of decision making.
c)     Executive Information System (EIS):-
Ø To provides the information to top executives.
Ø Sources are letters, memo, reports and meetings.
Ø Graphics display is used frequently.
Ø EIS provide information about the current status and projected trends.
d)    Management Information System (MIS):-
Ø Provides day to day decision making needs of managers.
Ø Provides a variety of reports.
Ø It retrieves information about internal operations from databases that have been updated by transaction processing system.

Transaction Processing System

Topic: - Transaction Processing System.

Q1. Define transaction processing system?
·        It Process data resulting from business transaction.
·        E.g.:- Process sales, purchase and inventory changes to update database.
·        Produce customer statements, employee paychecks, sale receipt, tax form and financial statements.
·        It capture and process data describing business transactions, update files and database and produce a variety of information products for internal and external use.

Q2. How transactions are proceed in a system?
There are two methods:-
·        Batch Processing: - In batch processing data is accumulated over a period of time.
·        Real Processing: - In Real (online) processing data is processed immediately after a transaction occurs.

Q3. Define Transaction processing cycle?
There are five steps in transaction processing life cycle:-
·        Data Entry.
·        Transaction Processing i.e. either Batch or Real time.
·        Database.
·        Documentation and report generation.
·        Inquiry processing.

Q4. How many types of transaction document are there in transaction system?
a)     Action document: - That initiate transaction (e.g. paycheck, purchase order) on receipt.
b)    Information document: - These documents relate, conform or prove to recipient that transaction has occurred.
c)     Turnaround document:-
·        Forms designed to be read by optical scanning equipments are known as turnaround documents.
·        These are designed to be returned to the sender.

Q5. How many types of transaction report are there in transaction system?
a)     Control listings (Transaction logs):- It describes each transaction occurring during a period.
b)    Edit reports: - It describes errors detected during processing e.g. invalid account number, missing data.

Q6. Define Batch processing?
·        Transaction data are accumulated over a period of time and proceed periodically.
·        It gathers source documents (originated by business transactions e.g. sales orders, invoice) into groups called Batches.
·        It sorts the transaction in a transaction files.
·        Process data and create an upload master file and a variety of document and reports.

Q7. Define Real time processing?
·        Data is processed immediately after they are generated and can provide immediate output to end users.
·        It is also Known as Online transaction processing (OLTP) system.

Q8. Explain remote job entry?
·        In the remote job entry we capture and stores batches of transaction data at a remote sites and then transmitting them periodically to a central computer for processing.

Keywords: - Transaction processing systems, transaction processing, online transaction processing, information processing system, Batch processing and Real time processing.

Solving of business problem with Information System

Topic: - Solving of business problem with Information System.

Q1. What are the different Procedures to solve business problem?
There are two procedures to solve business problem with information system:-
  • By using system approach to problem solving.
  • By developing information system solution.

Q2. Define system approach to problem solving?
There are five main phases in System Approach:-
a)      Define the problem:-
·         Define a problem or opportunity using system thinking.
·         Problem is basic condition i.e. causing under unexpected results.
·         An opportunity presents the potential for desirable results.
·         System thinking helps to see the components and interrelationship of system in any situation.
b)      Developing alternative solution: - In this we find the alternative solution of the giving problem. Source of alternative solutions are:-
·         Experience.
·         Advice of others.
·         Recommendation of consultants.
·         Suggestion of expert system.
·         Help from software package.
c)      Select the solution: - Evaluation has been done to meet the best solution for business and personal requirement.
d)     Design and Implementation:-
·         After selecting a solution is must be designed and implemented.
·         Design specifies the detailed characteristics and capabilities of the people, hardware, software and all resources.
·         In implementing stage we specify the resources, activities and time needed for proper implementation.
e)      Post implementation review:-
·         Results of implementing a solution should be monitored and evaluated.
·         The objective is to check that the implemented solution meet the objectives of business or not.

Q3. Define “Developing information system solution”?
There are seven stages in it:-
a)      SDLC(System development life cycle):-
·         When the system approach is used to develop of Information system solution to business problem, it is called Information system development.
·         It involves a multi step process called SDLC: - 1) Investigation.
                                                                                  2) Analysis.
                                                                                  3) Design.
                                                                                  4) Implementation.
                                                                                  5) Maintains.
b)      Starting System development process (Investigation):-
·         Determine whether a business problem exists.
·         What is the cause of Problem.
·         New or improved information system can help to solve it.
·         For this, a feasibility study is conducted.
·         Develop a project management plan and obtain management approval.
c)      System analysis:-
·         It is an in-depth study of end user information needs.
·         It is the basic for the design of new information system.
·         It involves a detailed study of :-      1) Organization.
         2) Processing System.
         3) Functional requirements.
      d)  System design:-
·         It specifies how system will accomplish its objective.
·         It contain in it: -                                1) User interface design.
         2) Data design.
         3) Process design.
         4) System specification.
      e) Prototyping: - It is a rapid development and testing of working model in an   
           Interactive process used by both system analyst and end user.
f)       Implementing a new information system:-
·         After completion of designing.
·         It involves: -            1) Software development.
                                      2) Testing of program and procedure.
                                      3) Development of documentation.
                                      4) Activities related to installation.
                                      5) Training of end user.
      g)  Maintenance: - It involves monitoring, evaluation, modifying a system to meet
requirements of business.
g)      CASE (Computer-aided system Engineering):-
·         It involves using software package called CASE tool to perform many activities of system development.
·         CASE packages provide many tools for front end of SDLC i.e. planning, analysis, design and for backend of SDLC i.e. implementation and maintenance.
·         Integrated CASE tools (I-CASE) are available that can assist all of stages of SDLC.
·         CASE tools support both forward engineering and back word engineering.

Keywords: - Information system, System development life cycle, prototyping, System,
                     System design, Computer aided system engineering.