Sunday, January 22, 2012

Network Technologies for MBA and MCA students

Topic: - Network Technologies for MBA and MCA students.

Q1. What is network?
·       A network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computer (stand alone computer) that is connected with wires or without wires.
·       Two computers are said to be interconnected if they are capable of exchanging information.

Q2. What are the different components of network?
a)    Nodes: - It refers to the computer that is attached to a network and is seeking to share resources of the network.
b)   Server: - A computer that facilitated the sharing of data, software and hardware resources on the network is termed as server. Server handled the request of client.
c)    Client: - Client is the computer that sends the request to the server.
d)   Network Interface Card (NIC):- A network interface card is an interpreter that helps to establish communication between client and server.

Q4. What are the different types of network?
a)    LAN (Local area network):- In local area network, computers connects with each other in small area i.e. within a same building with a wires.
b)   MAN (Metropolitican area network):- In the metropolitican area network, computers in different cites are connected with each other e.g. Companies branches are connected with each other and with main Head office. 
c)    WAN (Wide area network):- In the wide area network, computers in different cites or countries are connected with each other.

Q5. What is the difference between Intranet and internet?
·       Intranet is a LAN that uses the same technologies as the internet (e.g. Web Servers, Java, and HTML) but it is open to only those inside the organization.
·       Internet is the network of network- set of separate and distinct network.

Q6. Explain the OSI reference model?
·       The open system interconnection model establishes the set of world wide communication standard. There are seven different layers in it:-
a)    Application layers: - It support application of users and enables them to connect to network.
b)   Presentation layers: - The work of this layer is format the data for presentation to the user. This layer is interface between user and application.
c)    Session layer: - It allows user on different machine to establish session between them.
d)   Transport layer: - The basic function of this layer is to accept data from session layer and split it into smaller units and passes it to network layer.
e)    Network layer: - It is concerned with the controlling the operation of subnet.
f)     Data Link Layer: - The main task of Data link layer is to take row transmission and transform it into a line that appears free of undetected transmission error to network layer.
g)    Physical layer: - It is concerned with transmitting bits over a communicational channel.

Q7. What is World Wide Web?
·       World Wide Web made the internet popular to people.
·       The World Wide Web application is implemented using client/server architecture.

Q8 what is files transfer protocol?
·       Files transfer protocol (FTP) is the protocol from which we are able to transfer the files between one computer to another which is connected with wires or without wires.

Q9. Define client server architecture?
·       The computer that provides the services to another computer is called server.
·       The computer that uses those services of server is called client.
·       In the client server architecture client sends the request to the server and server gives the response to the client.

Keywords:- Network, Components of Network, LAN, MAN, WAN, FTP, Client-server architecture, World wide web, Information system, Management Information system.

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