Sunday, January 22, 2012

Operation Support System / Operation Management

Topic: - Operation Support System / Operation Management.

Q1. Define Operation support system?
·        It process business transaction.
·        It controls industrial process.
·        It support enterprise communication and collaboration,
·        It update corporate database.

Q2. What are the different main systems comes in Operation support system?
·        Basically the three main system support operation support system.
a)     Transaction processing system.
b)    Process control system.
c)     Enterprise collaboration system.

Q3. Define the transaction processing system?
·        Process data resulting from business transaction.
·        E.g. Process sales purchase and inventory changes to update database.
·        Produce customer statements, employee paychecks sale receipt, tax forms and financial statements.

Q4. Define the Process control system?
·        Physical production processors are automatically made by computer.
·        Computer monitors a chemical process, capture process data detected by sensors and instant adjustment to appropriate refinery processes.

Q5. Define the Enterprise collaboration system?
·        It helps the people to work together in an organization.
·        It helps to communicate ideas, share resources and co-ordinate workgroups.

Q6. Define Execution information system?
·        It provides the information to top executives.
·        Sources are letters, memo, reports, and meetings.
·        Graphics displays are used frequently in this.
·        Immediate access to internal and external database is provided.
·        Execution information system provides information about the current status and projected trends.

Q7. Define the Expert system?
·        The most application of the artificial intelligence is the development of expert system.
·        It is also known as knowledge based information system.
·        It uses the knowledge about a specific area to act as an expert consultant to users.
·        It now helps in diagnosis illness, search for minerals, analyze compounds, and recommended repairs.

Q8. Define the Knowledge management system?
·        Some companies encourage employee to share what they know.
·        These are known as knowledge creating company or learning organization.
·        In Knowledge management system, it helps employees create, organize and share important business knowledge whenever and where ever is needed.
·        The example of Knowledge management system is Knowledge processing outsourcing (KPO).

Q9. Explain Robotics?
·        It is the technology of building and using machine (ROBOTS) with computer controlled human like physical capabilities.
·        E.g. Movement, Vision.
·        ROBOTS are used as worker to increase productivity and cut costs.

Keywords:- Operation support system, Operation Management, transaction processing system, Process control system, Enterprise collaboration system, Expert system, Knowledge management system, Robotics.

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