Sunday, January 22, 2012

Solving of business problem with Information System

Topic: - Solving of business problem with Information System.

Q1. What are the different Procedures to solve business problem?
There are two procedures to solve business problem with information system:-
  • By using system approach to problem solving.
  • By developing information system solution.

Q2. Define system approach to problem solving?
There are five main phases in System Approach:-
a)      Define the problem:-
·         Define a problem or opportunity using system thinking.
·         Problem is basic condition i.e. causing under unexpected results.
·         An opportunity presents the potential for desirable results.
·         System thinking helps to see the components and interrelationship of system in any situation.
b)      Developing alternative solution: - In this we find the alternative solution of the giving problem. Source of alternative solutions are:-
·         Experience.
·         Advice of others.
·         Recommendation of consultants.
·         Suggestion of expert system.
·         Help from software package.
c)      Select the solution: - Evaluation has been done to meet the best solution for business and personal requirement.
d)     Design and Implementation:-
·         After selecting a solution is must be designed and implemented.
·         Design specifies the detailed characteristics and capabilities of the people, hardware, software and all resources.
·         In implementing stage we specify the resources, activities and time needed for proper implementation.
e)      Post implementation review:-
·         Results of implementing a solution should be monitored and evaluated.
·         The objective is to check that the implemented solution meet the objectives of business or not.

Q3. Define “Developing information system solution”?
There are seven stages in it:-
a)      SDLC(System development life cycle):-
·         When the system approach is used to develop of Information system solution to business problem, it is called Information system development.
·         It involves a multi step process called SDLC: - 1) Investigation.
                                                                                  2) Analysis.
                                                                                  3) Design.
                                                                                  4) Implementation.
                                                                                  5) Maintains.
b)      Starting System development process (Investigation):-
·         Determine whether a business problem exists.
·         What is the cause of Problem.
·         New or improved information system can help to solve it.
·         For this, a feasibility study is conducted.
·         Develop a project management plan and obtain management approval.
c)      System analysis:-
·         It is an in-depth study of end user information needs.
·         It is the basic for the design of new information system.
·         It involves a detailed study of :-      1) Organization.
         2) Processing System.
         3) Functional requirements.
      d)  System design:-
·         It specifies how system will accomplish its objective.
·         It contain in it: -                                1) User interface design.
         2) Data design.
         3) Process design.
         4) System specification.
      e) Prototyping: - It is a rapid development and testing of working model in an   
           Interactive process used by both system analyst and end user.
f)       Implementing a new information system:-
·         After completion of designing.
·         It involves: -            1) Software development.
                                      2) Testing of program and procedure.
                                      3) Development of documentation.
                                      4) Activities related to installation.
                                      5) Training of end user.
      g)  Maintenance: - It involves monitoring, evaluation, modifying a system to meet
requirements of business.
g)      CASE (Computer-aided system Engineering):-
·         It involves using software package called CASE tool to perform many activities of system development.
·         CASE packages provide many tools for front end of SDLC i.e. planning, analysis, design and for backend of SDLC i.e. implementation and maintenance.
·         Integrated CASE tools (I-CASE) are available that can assist all of stages of SDLC.
·         CASE tools support both forward engineering and back word engineering.

Keywords: - Information system, System development life cycle, prototyping, System,
                     System design, Computer aided system engineering.

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