Sunday, January 22, 2012

System and System security for MBA and MCA Student

Topic: - System and System security for MBA and MCA Student.

Q1 Define System?
·        A group of interrelated components working together towards a common goal. By accepting input and producing output in an organized transformation process.

Q2. What are the different components of system?
a)      Input: - Input is related to the information that we are giving for further processing.
b)      Output: - When we do processing on input and the final result after processing is known as output.
c)      Control: - Control component control the whole processing that done on input.
d)     Feedback: - In this we take the feedback from the end users. And we take appropriate action on our output according to the suggestion giving by the user.

Q3. What are the different system concepts?
·        A system does not exist in a vacuum.
·        It exists and does its function in environment.
·        A system can be a subsystem of an environment.
·        Several systems may share same environment.
·        Some of these may be connected to one another by means on interface.
·        System interact with each other in its environment are called open system.
·        System able to change itself according to the external environment is called adaptive system.

Q4. What is System security?
In a general sense, security is "freedom from the risk or danger”.
In the context of System, security is the prevention of, or protection against
·        Access to information by unauthorized person i.e. protects the information from unauthorized people.

Q5. What are the different core areas of system security?
Basically system security is associated with three core areas:-
·        Confidentiality: - Ensuring that information is not accessed by unauthorized persons.
·        Integrity: - Ensuring that information is not changed by unauthorized persons.
·        Authentication: - Ensuring that the right user is able to see the information i.e. the only authorized people is able to see and change the system information.

Q6. What are the different threats for our system files and computer equipment?
·        We have to protect our files from the unauthorized user. In this a crime involves in it to illegal system access and use of computer system. This crime is known as hacking i.e. unauthorized access and use of system information.
·        Basically hacker use there knowledge to access to another system.

Q7. What is Disaster Recovery Plan?
·        The processes within the system that focus upon recovery from physical disasters are called Disaster Recovery planning.
·        It may be occur due to technology failure or some hardware become unusable.
·        The first step of disaster planning is to identify threats.
·        To recover from disaster we take backups.
a)     Hardware backup: - It is occurring due to technology failure or when some hardware device becomes unusable. In this the system takes backup of every data in different file i.e. system copy the original data in another file that can be used as a backup.
b)    Software backup: - In the software backup a system makes the copies of software and keeps them safely. Which may be used a backup when any error comes in running software.

Q8. Define computer Virus?
·        A virus is a software program that is capable of reproducing itself.
·        Virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes.
·        A virus can able to affect/damage your system files and resources.
·        There are large no of virus types like Trojan horse etc.

Q9. What is worm?
·        A worm is a special type of virus that can replicate it self and use memory, but cannot attach itself to other programs.

Q10. How can we prevent from Virus?
·        By installing an Antivirus program on your computer, like Symantec Norton Antivirus or McAfee.
·        Another way to avoid most of the latest viruses is to use a different Operating System. Most of the viruses today are written for the Windows operating system. If you were to move to Macintosh or to Linux, you'd reduced much of the risk associated with these viruses.

Keywords: - System, System Security, Virus and worms, System software, system process, Information system, Management Information system.


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